SiPs in three steps
Step 1: Creating an account
You will find an activation code on the inside cover of your book. Students can use this activation code to create an account. If the student has been given a teacher’s code, then he/she may enter the code to link their account with their teacher’s account. More information on this topic is available in the teacher section.
Step 2: Getting started
To get started, follow the instructions and do the exercises in the order presented in SiP. Once the student has completed the exercise, they can check immediately their answer. Once an answer has been entered editing is no longer possible. The reason for this is that we are trying to teach the student to choose their words carefully and not to work solely based on feedback. Both the answer and the feedback will remain visible after the exercise has been completed so they may be used during revision.
Student tracking system
The teacher can follow the student’s activities by means of the student tracking system. This enables the teacher to track the student’s progress and view the answers entered for each SiP. In order to enable the student to redo the exercises, the teacher must delete the results in SiP. More information on this is available in the teacher section.
Teacher comments
A teacher may add teacher comments to a page in order to point the student to a particular issue in an exercise.