What can you expect as a teacher?
Upon requesting your teacher’s copy of the book, you will automatically receive an email stating the login details of your personal teacher’s account. This account provides the teacher with access to the following extra functionalities:
The correct answer
If you are logged into the system as a teacher, you will find the correct answer filled in with next to each question. In order to view the feedback that students receive, click on the control button.
Student tracking system
Many teachers find it helpful to see the progress that their students are making in the course. That is why the website includes a student transcript tracking system. A detailed explanation can be found here.
Overview per acadamic year/group
If you have asked your students to add their group name or year to their account details, then the students in this overview are sorted by their group.
Instructions for your own students
It is possible to place comments that only your own students can view. These comments are only visible to your students when they link your code to their account. A detailed explanation can be found here.
Please note: teachers do not need to use the activation code provided in the book. This code only activates student accounts.
If you have questions or would like to comment, please contact our support and help desk.